Monday, 24 April 2017

RERA.. .Ready to go

Real estate regulator act (RERA) is expected to be enforced from 1st may 2017. It is expected to be a blessing for all future home seekers and also bring the real estate industry under control over huge unsold inventories and sky rocketing prices. This act is expected to reduce delay in project completion and increasing hooliganism in case of default. 

Some of the facts of the RERA are as follows: 

a)  Pay for only the area you can use- one of the misleading facts in every home purchase is the use of words like” super built up” or “ built up “ with 25-30% loading which wrongly includes the window/ balcony or loft  space I calculation. Going forward it is mandated to only mention the usable area where the space ca n be actually used by the buyer. The advertisement or agreement should contain the carpet area. It is rightfully known as carpet area as the place where you can lay down the flooring or carpet. The buyer needs to pay price on this area only.

b)   Creation of bank escrow accounts – usually the builders have had a tendency of starting multiple projects at one go and collecting funds from home buyers showing them futuristic images. Going forward, to avoid pumping of funds from one project to another, an escrow account has been mandated to all. At any given point of time, the builders can only withdraw 70% of available funds of home buyers after required approvals from their engineers and chartered accountants. 

c)   Payment schedule – the buyers are expected to pay only 10% of amount before the signing of agreement. Also, the buyer is entitled to see all the layout plans, copy of entire sanctioned plans and the schedule of completion. The maximum period of project completion is currently 7 years. The buyer is entitled to get possession within 2 months of getting the Occupation certificate.  The onus of getting the OC is with the promoter. The promoter is also responsible for creating a society and is responsible for complete maintenance till then. There is also a five year warranty of structural defect in the interest of buyers but it has not been clearly defined in the law. The promoter cannot make any change in the layout plan without seeking approval of 2/3rd buyers. Also, the promoter can’t transfer the project to any other developer without again seeking permission by 2/3rd of allotees.

d)  Registration of projects- the developers need to register their projects with the regulators before making any public announcement of the project. The permission is necessary for any construction beyond eight floors. Also, it is necessary to submit details about the past performances of projection completion, any impending cases against the builders and copies of necessary sanctions from the land department. Also, the registration seeks details of complete layout including the latitudes and longitude details. The total number of flats to be created and commitment of creating the mandated escrow accounts for the said projects. The registration would include the deadline to complete the project. 

e) Audited papers for the projects – the promoter are responsible for submitted audited project accounts to the RERA every 6 months for approval. If the project is expected to be completed in phases then each phase is considered as an individual project and separate registration is necessary for all phases. There is also mandated updating the webpage to mention the quarterly progress of the project. The brochure created should include the details of the webpage. The builder would have to abide by all the details mentioned in the brochure. An tribunal Appellate is expected to be created in each state to hear the queries of the aggrieved parties. The role of RERA is to protect the interest of home buyers but in case of delayed payments by the buyer, he could also be liable for penalties or punishments.

Our word of caution
The provisions for ongoing projects are that the builders only require submitting the time frame from now on to complete the project. Also, the latest layout and other details of status of project would be visited as on date ignoring all the previous delays and structural changes. So, it is not much beneficial for the already invested new home buyer. Also, the RERA is a central rule; the State government has additional right to amend the rule any further. So if you are on the one, who has been stuck with delayed possession of your dream home, your wait has just got legitimatized and not over. 
Thanks and Regards

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