Monday, 20 February 2017

A simple DIY for independent investors

Many times following the policy of “Jack of all, Master in none” we undertake multiple new tasks under our belt to reduce the daily interactions with numerous people. We want to try the DIY options and let go the hassle of talking to experts in different fields. We want to try new avenues of self learning and make the most of newest technology. To share with you one such incident, I spoke to one of my client asking them to invest in the list of given mutual funds in line with his goals. He asked me the reason for this allocation, I explained him the entire allocation thinking that he wanted to understand the given advice. However, later when he sent me the list of his investment around 50% of the allocation was made in the similarly mutual fund of my advice but not in the given proportion. He had taken the liberty of distributing too much dependency in one particular fund leaving the other one to petty amounts. Of course, when I asked my client the reason for it, he simply mentioned to me that I have personalized mutual fund software that devises the portfolio allocation for me based on my monthly income and fixed goals. I was shocked for a moment not realizing that I was not able to make my client realize the value of human input over software output. 

Over years, we have come across many prospects, which were willing to subscribe to various software packages and applications to help them their personal finances but not the same with their Personal Financial Advisor. They trust more of machines over human. It is fine to advocate the error free usage of software over human interface but there are certain limitations which should not be ignored. Today we would like to discuss some of the simple things any DIY investor should check in his personalized advisor tool.

Some check points 

·         Source of data- the software is dependent on human to add information for the latest investments/ SIPs or even information regarding the mode for payouts. It could be possible that we may miss out any on particular entry and not be able to get an accurate output of the investment valuation. So, it is best to set a fixed time – like particular day, time or date on which the information is added to the software. This helps to avoid any lapse in entry to particular investment.

·         Return rates – the future valuation is dependent on the software fed return rates. If these rates are not to the mark or updated, the results could be fictitious and unrealistic. So, it is essential to understand how is the rates is fixed.

·         Investment valuation - most of the software are cloud based and get automated directly but there are times when a user needs to update the data. So, please ensure that the software follows the required methodology.
·         Security parameters- there are usually two levels of security parameters ensuring that the client data is encrypted. If you are linking your savings account to the software please take care that your personal data is not compromised.
·         Reports generated – it is always better to have a bird’s view of your investment valuation and beyond that give you a recommendation on your goal achievement.

·         Recommendations and advice- An advice should be customized in line with your goal and age requirement. It should not be that the particular investment is adjudged on its individual capacity. Make sure that the entire investment goes well with your risk appetite and requirements.

·         Timely upgradation – it is better to avoid trial versions of your preferred software and go in full fledged application for your use. It will ensure you get all the required features and service.

A word of caution
Software may be good to run algorithms and give results in quick time. However, what it may not understand is your emotional mental status. It would not be possible to give you a sound ear on your personal move. It is best to talk to a human over machines. However, if you are person on go with ease of handling multiple agendas then it good to crack the DIY code well become plunging into them.

Thanks and Regards
Saarthi Financial Planner
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