Monday, 30 January 2017

Whats your theme?

Every year, we have Margi Ganpati decorations adorning my home street. The decoration gets more and more lavish every year. It is fascinating to know that every festival in India has its own decorations and theme associated with it. On Republic day, the theme is to dress up in tri color of our country. On Valentine’s Day, we dress up in Red and for our auspicious occasions, we want to dress up in bright colors. Similarly there are mutual funds which make investments, which match their investment theme. Hence, they are known as ‘Thematic Mutual Funds’. Today, we would discuss about the background of these funds. We can call it an extension to the sectorial funds.

Common features of the Thematic Funds

a.    Very high risk – the AMCs place their investment bets on any particular goals believing it to outperform the broader index as a whole. So, believing in the strength of the particular theme, the fund manager makes all his bets across the same sector to gain maximum returns.
b.    Mostly Correlated Sector exposure – Thematic funds are usually investment made in same or allied industries. For example, if the theme is betting on gold theme- then the related mining, refining and grading companies are expected to gain profit from it. It can even be country based or a particular region based investment.
c.    Cyclical in nature- the funds under thematic funds could be cyclical in nature. It has its own ups and downs, which is in addition the broader index movement. They can be usually called the fruits of the season. They are expected to be fundamentally strong with the entire external environment favorable to their working.
d.   Limited investment options for a fund manager- Even if a particular segment of the thematic segment is less profitable over other, the fund manager has no scope of diversifying the investment risk.
e.    The average time frame of thematic mutual funds is more than 5 years depending on the gestation time of underlying theme. The generated returns can evaporate if we don’t exit the investment at the right time. 

Performance of few of thematic funds in past 


So, let’s all wait for flavor of the upcoming week of the union budget bringing in more ideas for thematic funds. 

Thanks and Regards

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