Monday, 22 May 2017

Prevention is better than Cure & Cry

Very often we hear, “I had to rush my father to the hospital for sudden chest pain. He was fit till previous night, but got unwell in the morning.” Maybe this situation is true in case of many diseases. However, as we all are aware that sedentary lifestyle with unhealthy eating and improper rest can often give rise to such health issues. So, if there is no way to offbeat it, we should at least be aware about it. One of the easiest ways to do it is going for regular health checkups. Please note any health checkup does necessarily mean detection of illness. It is to determine that the body clock is doing its job well and there is no sign of rotting organs.

You might be wondering why a Personal Finance blogger is today concerned about our personal health. Of course there is a finance angle attached to it, where every tax filing individual can in addition to health insurance premium paid for self, spouse, children and parents under Sec 80D can also claim deduction up to Rs. 5000 pa for the entire family.

Yes, it is a preventative health check up benefit, which we hardly are aware about. We all spend on different blood tests and body check up at different stages of our life but ignore to claim it under tax. Thus, we would just like to share pointers that would help you determine your eligibility for claiming the amount under tax.

Quick info about Preventive health Check up expense benefit under Sec 80D
  1. Preventive health Check up is not undertaken on advice of doctor on detection of any illness. It is a general test, which is undertaken voluntarily by an individual. It is for Prevention and not benefit for treatment.
  2. It is in addition to your health insurance premium. So, if you have any family member (i.e. including self, spouse, children or parents) up to the age of 60, then you claim total deduction of Rs. 25000/- under 80D. If the age of any member or parent is above 60, you can increase the claim amount to Rs. 30,000/-.
  3. You can make the payment for the preventive check up even in cash.
  4. There is no specified law mentioning the kind of test you can claim as deduction, hence it is safe to include any health checkup in this parlance.
  5. There is no need to submit any proof or document to the IT department. However as a better practice, keep the payment receipt safe to show in case of any query raised in future.
We would like to conclude that if there is a facility made available for the betterment of an individual health, then we should use it to the fullest. With new lifestyle diseases cropping up with new day, isn’t it better to have our precautionary tool ready. Also, there is a monetary benefit attached to it. What else do we need to motivate us for a healthy living.

Saarthi Financial Planners
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Monday, 15 May 2017

All about law of Maintenance of Senior Citizens

Do you know some elderly person, who have done a lot of good work in their life time but is unable to maintain a dignified life in their needy times? Do you feel the need to help them but back off stating some kind of interference from your side? So, we would just like to highlight a few pointers from a law, not so popular in India. It is known as Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act, 2007. This law is to protect the senior citizens, who have a right to claim maintenance from their children or grandchildren if, they are unable to take care of themselves.

Some points under this law are as follows: 

·         The law is applicable to senior citizens above 60 years. It is for asking for maintenance help from children, grandchildren or from relatives, who are going to inherit your property.
·         The law mentions that abandoning senior citizens is a crime.
·         If in case any senior citizen, has transferred their property to their legal heirs with the hope of been taken off, they can lodge a claim with the tribunal, if their maintenance is not taken care for. Maintenance includes food, residence, medical assistance and treatment.
·         The general limit of maintenance help is limited to Rs. 10000 pm. The amount can vary state wise.
·         The senior citizen can file a case against all their major children, inheriting the property. They can share the maintenance amount depending on the proportion of property received by them.
·       The state government is responsible to appoint an Maintenance officer, ensures that the amount of maintenance is received on time.
·         The State Government is also responsible to set up old age homes and medical assistance for chronic diseases, of the senior citizens are not able to maintain themselves.

You can read in detail about the law at

Saarthi would request all it readers to spread the word about the law to most of the required people in need. Also, ensure that we give a little more dignity to our elders, who have given us the maximum attention in our days of needs.

Thanks and Regards
Saarthi Financial Planners
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Monday, 8 May 2017

Out for Vacations...

Are you leaving for a long vacation this month to escape the heat and crowds? Are you concerned with the impending preparations before you leave? You might get many checklists for your travelling guides but what should not be neglected in it is your routine home management planning.

Here's a quick checklist before you leave for your annual summer vacations:

  1. Pay all your pending utility bills- including gas, electricity, telephone and internet expenses.
  2. If you have given ECS mandate for the same- check for the required notification on the provided date on your mobile or email.
  3. Close down all your major appliances from the mains to avoid any accident – like gas, refrigerator, air conditioners, room heaters, laptops, televisions and even gas geysers.
  4. If you have some valuables – like jewellery, agreements move it to a secure corner of home or bank lockers.
  5. If your life or health insurance premium is due when you are travelling, then please pay the same in advance or leave a post dated cheque with your agent or planner.
  6. Get a home burglary insurance if you are travelling for really long time.
  7. Ensure your travel insurance is in place and covers all the emergency medical needs for any picky situation. This insurance should ideally begin from the time you leave for airport/ train and end when you reach you home.
  8. Share your entire travel itinerary with a trustworthy source within your immediate family and friends.
  9. If possible , give them your contact details to call you in case of emergency. Sign and keep two or more cheques with your family back at home, in case required to service emergency expense or payments. It is better to define a upper limit for the same.
  10. Let the neighbours,building security know your travel and ask them to avoid any strangers to your place.
  11. If you are carrying your bank cards, ensure you have the required helpline numbers for it, which is helpful to make any emergency transfers to your account or block the cards , in case if is it stolen.
  12. Carry enough cash , as per the scheduled travel and make a provision of contingency for any sudden splurge or excursion.
  13. Avoid lending strangers on travel any funds as you never know when you might require additional funds.
  14. Also, if out are travelling out of the country secure well the foreign currencies well in advance to get the best possible rates.

So go ahead and enjoy your break time.Saarthi wishes all its readers a wonderful vacation time ahead. Plan your trip, enjoy your vacation and stay safe. It is time to enjoy fruits of your planning. 

Thanks and Regards

Monday, 1 May 2017

Labor... Law... Know More

On the occasion International Labour Day, we would like to discuss few privileges, which are essential to be known to you, if you are serving as an employee to any company. In case of any personal situation you can stand for your own case and make the required decision.
Some of the commonly applicable rules are as follows:
  1. Employment contract – A written employment although is not mandated in all roles and across India, it is always recommended to have one. This contract would help to outline the role and responsibilities of the employee. It helps to understand better the scope of work and avoid any disputes in future. All the necessary conditions – regarding work scope, job pay can be rightfully put on the paper. Also, the employee can use the same as a source of information regarding all the perquisites, allowances or even retirement benefits. The professional service of ”letter of Appointment” is drafted in similar lines of the above mentioned written contract. 
  2. Leave – Every employee is entitled to a work holiday. It can be rightfully classified as sick leave (average 14 days annually), national holidays, casual leave (average 7-8 days annually) or even Privilege leave. If the employee cannot attend office due to medical conditions, a medical certificate if provided, it is to be granted as paid as per the company policy. Beyond this, there is need to have a weekly off or even some commonly celebrated festivals.
  3. Protection from Work Place Sexual Harassment – it is necessary to set up a framework for protection of employees especially female employees. The employees should be made aware of the process to file complaints in case of objectionable behaviour by any colleague, senior or any subordinate. In case of any complaint received, a transparent inquiry should be made with making the punishment public to discourage any future incidents. The women can take legal guidance under Sexual Harassment Of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013.
  4. Maternity Benefit- the employer is to provide the required pregnancy holiday benefit to all its female employees. Earlier the leave was limited to 12 weeks including the post pregnancy break. This has now been extended to 26 weeks in private sector. If there are complications including miscarriage or pregnancy termination, a one month paid leave is mandated by the law. Also, the employer cannot terminate services of any female staff stating her pregnancy condition. Also, they are supposed to support any kind of breaks for medical checkups or for feeding needs of babies post delivery.
  5. Retirement Benefits – there are many benefits which an employer needs to provide to his employees including Employee Provident Fund (EPF), gratuity and bonus. Every employee who works in a firm which has more than 9 employees on its muster roll and earns less than Rs 15000 per month, then he is eligible for EPF. Also, for gratuity if he has served continuous five years in a company, where the employee strength is more than 9 employees working, then he is eligible for gratuity.
The rules are not all on its own; it has some conditions, which we might have not covered in detail or completely. Hence, we would suggest that you make your decision in light of your current situation and only after consulting the required Human Resource Official at your workplace. Saarth+i wants to congratulate all the employees/ labour around the globe that bravely face all the difficulties and continues to grow in their work.

Thanks and Regards

Monday, 24 April 2017

RERA.. .Ready to go

Real estate regulator act (RERA) is expected to be enforced from 1st may 2017. It is expected to be a blessing for all future home seekers and also bring the real estate industry under control over huge unsold inventories and sky rocketing prices. This act is expected to reduce delay in project completion and increasing hooliganism in case of default. 

Some of the facts of the RERA are as follows: 

a)  Pay for only the area you can use- one of the misleading facts in every home purchase is the use of words like” super built up” or “ built up “ with 25-30% loading which wrongly includes the window/ balcony or loft  space I calculation. Going forward it is mandated to only mention the usable area where the space ca n be actually used by the buyer. The advertisement or agreement should contain the carpet area. It is rightfully known as carpet area as the place where you can lay down the flooring or carpet. The buyer needs to pay price on this area only.

b)   Creation of bank escrow accounts – usually the builders have had a tendency of starting multiple projects at one go and collecting funds from home buyers showing them futuristic images. Going forward, to avoid pumping of funds from one project to another, an escrow account has been mandated to all. At any given point of time, the builders can only withdraw 70% of available funds of home buyers after required approvals from their engineers and chartered accountants. 

c)   Payment schedule – the buyers are expected to pay only 10% of amount before the signing of agreement. Also, the buyer is entitled to see all the layout plans, copy of entire sanctioned plans and the schedule of completion. The maximum period of project completion is currently 7 years. The buyer is entitled to get possession within 2 months of getting the Occupation certificate.  The onus of getting the OC is with the promoter. The promoter is also responsible for creating a society and is responsible for complete maintenance till then. There is also a five year warranty of structural defect in the interest of buyers but it has not been clearly defined in the law. The promoter cannot make any change in the layout plan without seeking approval of 2/3rd buyers. Also, the promoter can’t transfer the project to any other developer without again seeking permission by 2/3rd of allotees.

d)  Registration of projects- the developers need to register their projects with the regulators before making any public announcement of the project. The permission is necessary for any construction beyond eight floors. Also, it is necessary to submit details about the past performances of projection completion, any impending cases against the builders and copies of necessary sanctions from the land department. Also, the registration seeks details of complete layout including the latitudes and longitude details. The total number of flats to be created and commitment of creating the mandated escrow accounts for the said projects. The registration would include the deadline to complete the project. 

e) Audited papers for the projects – the promoter are responsible for submitted audited project accounts to the RERA every 6 months for approval. If the project is expected to be completed in phases then each phase is considered as an individual project and separate registration is necessary for all phases. There is also mandated updating the webpage to mention the quarterly progress of the project. The brochure created should include the details of the webpage. The builder would have to abide by all the details mentioned in the brochure. An tribunal Appellate is expected to be created in each state to hear the queries of the aggrieved parties. The role of RERA is to protect the interest of home buyers but in case of delayed payments by the buyer, he could also be liable for penalties or punishments.

Our word of caution
The provisions for ongoing projects are that the builders only require submitting the time frame from now on to complete the project. Also, the latest layout and other details of status of project would be visited as on date ignoring all the previous delays and structural changes. So, it is not much beneficial for the already invested new home buyer. Also, the RERA is a central rule; the State government has additional right to amend the rule any further. So if you are on the one, who has been stuck with delayed possession of your dream home, your wait has just got legitimatized and not over. 
Thanks and Regards

Monday, 17 April 2017

Get Set Go... To File Your Taxes

Another financial year has just got over and it is now time to pay your dues to the government for all your earnings and fulfill your duties as an honest taxpayer. Be prepared with the given checklist to submit your e-filing by your own or even if you have someone to file your taxes, the list would be handy for all. Read the list and pass it on to your family, friends and colleagues. Don’t delay the process of filing taxes. Also don’t shy away and delay to collect the required documents.

The checklist of documents required to e-file your returns:
  1. PAN CARD- Your identity for Income Tax authority is protected by the unique identification number provided in the PAN Card. It is necessary to use that number to file your returns. Also, if you are filing your own returns, the Pan Card number acts as your user name for login.
  2. Form 16- It is applicable only to salaried people. It is a statement showing the details of TDS deducted by employer. It also shows the various deductions, exemptions and other calculations made by the employers.
  3. Form 26AS – it gives information about the tax deducted and deposited against your PAN identity by your deductors. The same shows a summary of total tax paid under your PAN in the last financial year. It can be downloaded from IT website. Also, major banks provide a link to FOR 26AS.
  4. Savings Bank Statements – the same is necessary to calculate the total income derived from your savings interest and Fixed Deposit interest income. The savings interest across all your accounts is claimable as deduction up to Rs 10000/- under Sec 80TTA. It is necessary to give details of all your savings accounts even if there are no transactions in the same. If you miss out on any of the account it can amount to tax evasion.
  5. Property Details – if during the previous year, there has been any property dealing – you have to mention the same. Also in case of sale of property if there has been any profit on sale of property, it is necessary to calculate short or long term capital gains.
  6. Home loan proofs – in case if you have any home in the last financial year, it is necessary to get the necessary interest certificate and principal repayment statement from the lending body. The principal repayment can get you benefit under Sec 80C and interest paid can be claimed under Sec 24 of Income Tax Act.
  7. Investment proofs – keep ready all investment proofs ready as mentioned in Form 16 issued by employer and if otherwise, additionally invested under Chapter VI A. the list could include something like below:
    1. Life insurance premiums receipts
    2. Health insurance receipts paid for self, family, and parents
    3. ELSS (Mutual Fund) investments made
    4. Contributions to PPF/EPF
    5. Premiums paid for any annuity plans
    6. Receipt for school fees paid for children
    7. Bank statement for the principal of any home loan taken
    8. NSC bonds
    9. Tax saving bank FD or similar deposits receipts.
    10. Contribution to pension account and NPS
    11. Donations allowable under Sec 80G
    12. House Rent paid for amount beyond HRA received from the employer.
  8. Business professional earnings – if you are a professional or any freelancer or running a proprietorship firm then it is necessary to collect the necessary proofs of your income receipts like bills – credits etc. Also, make a profit and loss adding to it all the office running expenses, utilities bills and even your travelling allowances.
  9. Advance tax challans – keep handy all details regarding the payment of any advance tax or self assessment tax to be mentioned in the form.
Once, you have set across the required papers in place it is possible to simplify the process of filing your tax returns online.

Your tax Slabs For individual & HUFs

Thanks and Regards

Monday, 3 April 2017

Before you Leave...

An individual decides to leave his home country and go abroad, for a better future for his family, better work and career opportunities or even to gain better exposure to facilities to exploit one’s skills. It can be simply aimed at higher earnings in a better currency. If you are also thinking to do so in near future, there are a few financial nitty-gritty’s you must take care before you fly away.

Change your bank accounts:
Before you pack your bags, it is mandatory to convert your resident bank accounts to non-resident ones. A Non Resident Indian (NRI) has three options-non-resident (ordinary) account (NRO), non-resident (external) rupee account (NRE) and foreign currency non-resident account (FCNR). Read more about these accounts in our blog link at
Update your KYC details:

It is preferred that after changing the status of the bank account to update your know-your customer (KYC) details in all your share, mutual fund and insurance accounts.KYC compliance is a must to continue investing, buying insurance and opening/maintaining bank accounts.

Arrange Power of Attorney (PoA) to a person you trust:

It is also advised to provide somebody legal authority to make decisions in your absence. It can be related to your legal, financial or any other work in your home country.
This authority or PoA, as it is rightfully called can be of two types-special power of attorney, for a specific task, and general power of attorney, which authorises its holder to do all that is necessary (simply put it just act like you).

Open a Portfolio Investment Scheme:

If you intend to continue investing in Indian shares even after settling abroad, the only way you can to do so is by opening a portfolio investment scheme (PIS) account with a bank. You can have only one PIS account. There are various limitations on the NRI investors on share trading which would be made available by the broker.  Every PIS transaction is monitored/reported by/to the RBI.

Clear loans and other outstanding bills

If you are leaving behind assets like real estate in India, please ensure that you give ECS mandates to pay off the electricity, gas bills. Also, if there is loan component on the property, EMI should also be rerouted on this way.
Don’t forget to add your premiums for life policies or mutual fund systematic investment instructions. Please make special note especially to transfer these instructions to your non residential accounts.

Insurance Policies

It is better to surender your general insurance polices like your motor and health insurance and buy a fresh one in your new country of residence. It is advised to continue your existing life cover till you get a fresh one from the local insuring company in your new residence. Please ensure you verify that your insurer covers the life term in your new country of residence.

NRIs are not allowed to invest in small saving schemes like Public Provident Fund and National Savings Certificate but they can hold them till maturity. Even the banking products like Fixed Deposits are required to be closed on maturity. You can book a new FD at varied NRI rates.

Taxation clarification 

Even if an individual moves to another country, he is liable to pay tax on any income that is generated in India. India has signed treaty of Double Taxation avoidance Treaty with approximately 84 countries. This means the individual doesn’t have to pay taxes twice. The non resident benefits from lower TDS rate, exemption limits and tax credits. For example, if an individual submits proof of his residency in a particular country with which India has signed a DTAA then the income generated in India will be taxed at the rate mentioned in the treaty.

Beyond this there are many small things you should ensure that you deal with like bank lockers closure – if you are going to come back for few years or you have not assigned anyone in India to operate it. Also, take of all your physical documents, secure your will or list out your assets in nomination for any untold event. Be prepared with a minimal fund to survive in case of unplanned comeback. Plan these things in as detail as you have planned your journey. Be relaxed on your home front responsibilities and enjoy your life at a new place.

Thanks and Regards
Saarthi Financial Planners
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