Monday, 15 August 2016

Happy Independence Day!!!!

Happy Independence Day to all our readers. It is a long weekend and with 69th independent year completion , our country is moving more towards a more dynamism and adoption of new policies like GST. (Finally... it is like amendment long waited in constitution). For most of us, this day is not more than another holiday. It is a chance to prepone our Rakhi celebrations and save our PL leaves on 18 August. Some of us, who have always been on the chill side of life have pre-planned this long weekend holiday and enjoying it in full strength. A very few of us, sit back and relive those moments of independence. Those stories, fights and entire set up looks good only in our school books and later in our libraries. We are only interested in them when any leading Bollywood director makes a biopic on some forgotten national hero. Till then we think its' best to enjoy our today.

Think about it.....

Does not thinking about our country on Independence day makes us anti national? No, absolutely not. But talking about it and discussing it with our next generation makes us happy and fill our hearts with pride about our ancestors. It gives a new hope for better tomorrow. It encourages the young lot to fight for something and feel determined to achieve it. It transfers the good karma to them.

So why are we talking about all this today?

We are talking about all this today is to make you realize that we too should be working on our independence- OUR FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE. So, when we look back at our lives we have our hearts filled with pride and determination in our children's eyes to achieve something. We have to just sow simple seeds of hard work and financial discipline to earn the fruits of happy, financially fulfilling retired life. It doesn't take much of efforts to forego some small happiness now to enjoy a bigger goal tomorrow. It might be a tough and tiring road ahead but the destination would be definately reached. 
Some small deeds to achieve your Financial Independence

a) Start saving early. Start with small regularly savings and slowly accentuate them to achieve your goals.
b) Savings doesn't equal to investment. So, identify your goal nature and duration and invest it in appropriate avenue.
c) Nominate and give away in will your assets and earnings to your loved ones at earliest to let them enjoy the same after you.
d) Never forget to pay off your liabilities at first over spending them on unnecessary wants.
Life is short and needs to be enjoyed. Go out and live it to your fullest. After that remember to fulfill your responsibilities towards your loved ones so that they remember you with pride and want to emulate your path. Lives can have Bright Future when you burn all the lamps on the path.

Happy Financial Independence Day to all of you.
From Team Saarthi

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