Friday, 25 December 2015

Make the most of your Festival Sale

It is festival time and all our newspapers, emails are filled with all kind of attractive discounts and buy back schemes enticing us to buy the most of things on display. Now with the eCommerce sites vying for the maximum buy around the festival times, the discount wars have shifted its gears from offline to online markets. With the GOSF, spreading its reach even tier 2 and tier 3 city are now shopping online.
The banks are also an active participant in this bandwagon giving impetus to festival buying and increase use of credit money.Some of the popular ways you can make the most of your purchases are:

a)Buy back schemes – It has been one of the most successful method to entice the customer especially for consumer durable even in olden times, where buying an electronic good was a big event for any family. The scheme would attract customers to replace their old appliances with a new model and get a good amount of reduction in the purchase price. Although its a popular new purchase method even today, but now the value of replacement is limited and makes hardly any reduction in the purchase cost. There is a minimal reduction due to ever changing technology and cut throat competition. To make the maximum of this deal always compare two- three big vendors beyond your local seller.

b)Cash back schemes – These schemes are mostly an offering of banks with their specific tie – ups with exclusive stores or brands. It is a successful method to make the consumer use his credit/ debit card and also to make expensive shopping. Generally the cash back is around 5% of the value credited in your account in 60 days time frame . If it a bank offer it gets credited around your bill cycle. They are more or less like our old days cash discounts.

c) Free Shipping – This is an easy way to attract customers especially in an online shopping spree. Usually shopping beyond a certain money value is given free shipping. The cost of paying for transportation acts a deterrent to revisit the website.So, to make the value of shopping more the free shipping acts a good attraction. Websites like Ferns N Petals charge a premium to deliver their goods at specific hours or midnight making it an additional cost. So, if you have not planned your purchase well in advance, it is better to route your purchase from one single website to waive these charges.

d)Supplementary gifts – A small additional gift received along with the purchase of your expensive good always make you attracted to this format. It is mostly found that if make a purchase Rs 1 lakh you are given a gift of Rs.5,000 or so. So, its wise to make your purchase only if you find the attached gift worth your utilization. Sometimes, in jewellery, the making charges are waived off.

e)Privilege Points – The most interesting and attractive way to make your purchases is to earn privilege points. These points are easy way to make a future purchase. Some times, an airline adds to points on your credit/debit card and redeemed to buy tickets.

So go ahead and splurge this festive season ahead. Just be sure that whatever you spend is worth the value. Don't be attracted towards the attached strings but the actual worth of purchase made.

Friday, 18 December 2015

Which loan do we Repay first -Home or Personal?

Although in all our previous post we have been advocating the fact that loans should be utilized only when extremely necessary, taking loan has become the way of life. Many might deny the fact that we don't have any sort of loan or EMI payment on ourselves, but what they ignore is that using their credit card indiscriminately is also kind of a loan. So, to lead a loan free life it is essential that we schedule repayment of our loans at regular time intervals. It boosts our monthly surplus as well as give a peaceful mind.

We have been discussing few asset based loans in previous few posts(refer to our November 2015 posts for more information at Considering the above and the traditional other loans, we should prioritize the loan repayments in the following order:

Priority 1: Personal loans

Target your repayment with this short term but high on interest Personal loans. The loan is given based on the credit history of borrower and his repayment capacity i.e. Income. The end use of the loan is not defined and is usually preferred for splurging on more of wants rather than wants of individuals. It is an unsecured loan thus , they are often offered at a higher interest rate with higher EMI payments. Similarly is the credit card repayment which needs to be equally prioritised.
ROI 13.00%
Period of loan 4 years
Amount of loan 6,00,000
EMI 16,096

Total repayment made in 4 years 7,72,632

Priority 2: Asset based loans

The asset based loans like gold loans, loan against property, loan against fixed deposits and insurance policies are usually borrowed for some unplanned requirements. Such loans should be looked to be repaid as they are just have an additional interest burden. Although, the amount of loan in gold and property is determined on basis of asset value and it is just acts like an overdraft facility for actual funds used. (Read more about the features at our previous blogs at ). In all the earning capacity of these assets is not more then the charged interest rates, hence they should be repaid after any Personal loan.

Priority 3: Home loan

Although ,Home loan is one of the commonly availed loans, we recommend to get rid of it at every possible opportunity. For years people have been harping the tax benefits associated with it but the truth is that the tax benefit is a very short term benefit versus a lost opportunity to invest the EMI savings elsewhere. The exit strategy for home loan also differs based on the tenure and type of house. in the housing loans, in the initial few years, most of the EMI payments are towards the interest payments and its only during the last few years of loan tenure that they account for principal repayments. Look to repay the loan in first ten years tenure of loan as the deduction for principal repayment is under usually crowded 80C whereas there is no limit for second home (for self occupied home limit is Rs 200000). So, as and when you get huge amounts or windfalls, plan to route it for home loan repayment.

ROI 9.55%
Period of loan 20 years
Amount of loan 25,03,000
EMI 23,413

Total repayment made in 10 years 28,09,563
Total repayment made in 20 years 56,19,127


It is very necessary that you analyze the pros and cons of whether to opt for an investment or to use the funds to repay the existing loan. It is necessary to decide your exit point for any loan and not make any emotional attachment to it.

Friday, 11 December 2015

Tax Return for a Deceased Person

It is not unusual if somebody files tax return on behalf of himself or his family member. However, we have come across situations where people are misguided regarding the fact that tax returns for a deceased member are not required to be filed.Families are usually under emotional distress for sometime following the death of a near one and can hardly think of anything else but to revive their lifestyle.

So,on inquiry by few of our friends and clients, we would like to share that a deceased person might stop existing physically but his investments earnings and income for the last financial year is still tagged to his name till the attached will/ estate distribution takes place. So, as per the rules under IT act, tax returns for a deceased person needs to be filed like any other ordinary man. Today, we will discuss in short about the basic outline of this process.

How is the income calculated for deceased person?
For the previous year the total income is divided in two sections:
a) beginning of previous year (i.e. From 1st April) till the date of death.
b) from the date of death till the end of previous year (up to 31st Mar).

Who is liable to file tax return for deceased person?

As per section 159 of IT Act 1961, a legal representative of the deceased is responsible for filing tax return. Usually, the spouse or any close relative of the deceased takes charge as the legal representative. In case of will, of the taxpayer who has passed away, the executor or any one mentioned in the will is held responsible. In case of multiple legal heir (in case of more than 1 child) it is always preferred to get a written agreement between all regarding the tax return filing.The IT act mentions the list of documents to be filed for legal heir is as follows:

Who is liable for tax liability of deceased person?

Although, the legal representative / heir makes the required return payment, he is not responsible for liability clearance from his own funds until the assets are actually distributed. He can claim the amount in case of penalties or any other advance tax payments made from the estate of the deceased. If the executor is responsible for making the required tax return, he can claim the amount from the estate income. 

Accordingly, in case of any refund cheque received, it is to be deposited in joint account held with the deceased person. If there is no such account, then the registered bank account's nominee needs to present Succession certificate, death certificate etc to court.

In case of further queries, we would request you to contact us at to get a personalized response to your particular situation.

Friday, 4 December 2015

All about Hindu Undivided Family

For long time,we have been getting request to discuss the concept of Hindu Undivided Family. The concept which has for years been linked to our joint family system is often misunderstood just as another separate entity created to save taxes. However, the structure and norms of an HUF are very complex and with proper guidance be a preferred way to create a pool of family assets.

A HUF is a entity created by family members up to four generations i.e. lineal ascendants or descendants of Hindus, Buddhists, Jains and Sikhs. There is no mention of any formal definition of HUF in the IT laws. The HUF follows the Mitakshara School of Law.

To start an HUF, an married individual with a child can start a HUF. The HUF needs to be formed by a male member.Some of common terms associated with HUF:

a)Co-parcerners – Members of a family who acquire right in the property of HUF by birth i.e. Father,son and daughters. The wife of the person forming the HUF is not a co-parcerner but a simple member.

b)Non Co-parcerners- Members of family who are part of HUF but cannot ask for partition or break down of HUF property. They can only claim maintenance expenses. A smaller HUF can also form a part of the bigger HUF.

c)Karta- The elder most male member of the family is declared as the Karta of the family. In case of his death, the responsibilities of a Karta needs to be fulfilled by next elder male son or if there is no son , the eldest daughter becomes the Karta.

d) Property under HUF – Any property which is received from ancestors by way of partition or way of gift through Will, additions to the existing properties, blended or properties thrown in common pool of HUF property. An individual can add his individual properties in the HUF. It then looses the individual ownership character. Any co-parcerner can add property to the HUF pool. Any member can also receive any gift for its co-parcerners ,members or any outsiders.

e) Partition – It is process of severance of the status of HUF under tax laws. As per tax requirements, the partition needs to be physical and not just notional. It can be partial or complete. In case of complete partition, the entire HUF ceases to exist. It can be partial where some members or properties go out with partition. Even on death of a co-parcener can only distribute the assets of his share and not the entire property.

f) Taxation -Since the HUF leads to creation of additional tax entity, there is a separate PAN card allocated for HUF. This gives the benefit to push the income slab lower to the level of individual incomes. For example, if in a family , husband has annual income of Rs 12 lakhs, wife of Rs 8 lakhs and a rental income of Rs 6 lakhs from a family home, then there are 3 possibilities: 
a) Rental Income gets added to husband's name and is taxed @30% tax slab.
b) Rental Income gets added to wife's name and is taxed @20% tax slab.
c) Create a HUF for family, add the ancestral property to it and the income is taxed on a separate entity for Rs.5.5 lakhs (after exemption limit of Rs 2.5 lakhs).

Thus HUF has much more benefit then just the tax angle associated with it. We would recommend that if required, you too can avail of it. For more information email us at for a personalized advise.