Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Advantages of Investing in Mutual Funds - Part 02

Continued from advantages of Investing in Mutual Funds - Part 01.......

We are covering  the possible advantages of investing in Mutual Funds.

4. Managed by a Professional: Mutual funds appoint expert, financially aware professionals to manage the Mutual fund. These professional use their fundamental and technical analysis to take decisions on behalf of the client. The services which, otherwise, a common man can’t afford are made available via mutual fund.

5. Well Regulated hence transparent: Mutual funds are managed under the purview of SEBI. The Mutual fund comprises of four different structures: Sponsor, trust, Asset Management Company (AMC) and Custodian. The role of the sponsor is limited to providing the required capital to the Mutual Fund. The trust is in charge of the actual floating of the AMC. It has to ensure that the AMC workers in interest of the investor. The AMC is responsible of appointing the fund managers and the different schemes to invest the money in different securities market. They charge an administrative fee on the same for the same. The custodian looks after the actual buy –sell transactions of Mutual Fund. Thus, the ownership and administration in mutual funds is in two different hands and there is no conflict of interest.

6. Diversification and Variety: Based on the objective of his investment, the investor can decide on the type of fund he needs to invest into. He can choose from a variety of options available and also reduce his company specific risk with the diversified holding via a single mutual fund.

7. Convenient Administration: Any individual would find it difficult to manage news regarding his entire capital markets and its policy through his limited knowledge and exposure. With help of Mutual fund, the investor is assured of the fund manager tracking the news for him and taking the right decision at the right time.

Thanks and Regards
Email: saarthifp@gmail.com

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