Friday, 27 November 2015

Employee Provident Fund withdrawal v/s transfer

With every change or move in career, follows a long list of essential paper work formalities to clear previous dues. It takes a lot of effort from both sides – i.e. Company as well as the employee to work hard towards this clearance. Many times, the excitement of a new job role or a city change is so huge and overwhelming that you leave many things undone with the previous job.

One of the severance formalities mostly left attended is clarity on Employee Provident Fund. On leaving a job, it is in the interest of employee to either transfer his provident fund account to his new job or withdraw the collected amounts. The decision has to be made at the time of leaving the last job. 
What is a better option – To withdraw or Transfer EPF?

Previously, with the numerous and delayed paper work, employee usually preferred to get their PF funds withdrawn over transferring it to new jobs. However, now with the Universal Account Number (UAN) facility, it has become a much more simpler process to handle the transfer. However, on a numerical front also it has its own calculations when you make your decision.

a) No of years in last service- In case of your service of short span say less than 3 years, withdrawing your PF would not accumulate to a huge sum plus the amount received on withdrawal would be taxable. Also, if continue with the same PF number for more than 10 years you can easily be eligible for pension (after 58 years of age). The pensionable salary depends on your last drawn basic salary.

b) Number of years left to retire – If a person is nearing his retirement age and making a job change, it is best advised to let the PF grow on its own and transfer it to new job rather than withdrawing it.

c) Purpose of withdrawal – If the person is in need of funds for an important cause like building his home, sponsoring on his children's education expenses or to fund a medical emergency, it is advised to withdraw the amount if no other alternative is available. Although, if he intends he can even avail a n advance on the same. But this should be for an identified 'Need' and not a 'Undesirable Want'

d) Taxability - The amount of PF withdrawn before five years of continuous service is eligible for taxation. So, be wise to understand if you want to withdraw the money or get it transferred to your new job.

Year of Service PF eligible monthly Basic Assumed Annual Employee Contribution (12%) Annual Employer Provident Contribution (3.67%) Annual Employer Pension Contribution (8.33%) Interest earned on assumed PF rate =8.5% Amount at end of tenure
1 6500 9360 2863 6497 1039 13262
2 6500 9360 2863 6497 2166 27650
3 6500 9360 2863 6497 3389 43262
4 6500 9360 2863 6497 4716 60201
5 6500 9360 2863 6497 6156 78579
6 15000 21600 6606 14994 9077 115862
7 15000 21600 6606 14994 12246 156314
8 15000 21600 6606 14994 15684 200204
9 15000 21600 6606 14994 19415 247825
10 15000 21600 6606 14994 23463 299494
11 15000 21600 6606 14994 27854 355554
12 15000 21600 6606 14994 32620 416380
13 15000 21600 6606 14994 37790 482376
14 15000 21600 6606 14994 43399 553981
15 15000 21600 6606 14994 49486 631673
16 15000 21600 6606 14994 56090 715969
17 15000 21600 6606 14994 63255 807430
18 15000 21600 6606 14994 71029 906665
19 15000 21600 6606 14994 79464 1014335
20 15000 21600 6606 14994 88616 1131156

The amount received at end of 20 years is Rs 11,31,156/- completely tax free
Monthly pension after age of 58 is Rs.4286/-

For more information related to your provident fund contribution, transfer or even on advance eligibility , please contact us at or visit

Friday, 20 November 2015

Gold Schemes launched this Diwali

This Diwali ,Government has launched two schemes like Gold Monetization Scheme and Sovereign Gold Bond. The main purpose of these schemes is to offer the benefit of Gold price volatility and hedge against inflation to investors. It has dual benefits of earning power i.e. interest yield (interest on the invested amount equivalent to the value of Gold deposited), that does not exist in the traditional way of investing in gold like physical gold or Exchange Traded Funds. Moreover, this will save vault charges which are currently being borne by individuals for safeguarding gold.

GOLD MONETIZATION SCHEME: This scheme works like an gold savings account which earns interest for the gold that is deposited and will also save recurring cost. Gold can be deposited in any physical form like jewellery, coins or bars subject to a minimum of 30 grams. These accounts can be opened for three different tenures - short term(1-3 years) , medium term (5-7 years) and long term (12-15 years). The interest is calculated on basis of gold weight and also the change (appreciation) in the value. On maturity,the depositor can buyback gold equivalent to its value or take away the amount as per his preference on application. In case, if the depositor wants to redeem the Gold Saving account interim, it is also possible

SOVEREIGN GOLD BOND: The bond can be subscribed by by resident of India which includes individuals, HUFs, trusts, charitable institutions, etc. The minimum investment required is of 2 grams to maximum 500 grams . Although, the maximum period is of 8 years an easy exit from 5th, 6th and 7th years onward. The interest to be earned is at 2.75 percent interest per annum on the amount initially invested. The bonds would be listed on the exchanges which will provide easy entry/exit route to the investor. The pricing of this bonds is dependent on weekly average price of gold by the India Bullion and Jewellers Association Ltd. The price would also be made available on RBI website. These loans can be used as collateral for loans and other purposes.

The main purpose of these schemes is to encourage participation in tradeable gold and to reduce the our dependability on the imported gold.It will also help to reduce the current account deficit. Also, the idle gold lying in our households can also get more earning value attached to it.

More information can be made available at the government links as below:

Friday, 13 November 2015

Loan Against Gold

Gold has for years been one of the favorite assets to be passed on as a heritage value to next generation or otherwise for self consumption. Hardly have we ever considered it as an investment asset i.e. To be redeemed for goal achievement. Hence, we always have maintained that use gold as an diversification tool but never invest all your savings in to it. Since, if any investment is never sold or used for our goal fulfillment, it has no place in our net worth. It is just a personal asset for gratification. So, if this asset can be now used for meeting your short term funding requirement without actually parting with it , it should be considered as a useful end purpose of gold. So, we today learn about loan against gold or gold loan.

What is Loan Against Gold?

A loan which is availed by pledging your gold ornaments ( around 18 – 24 karat) with the lending institution is known as gold loan. The loan cannot be availed against gold coins or bars. The loan is sanctioned based on purity of gold and verification of supporting gold documents. The value is decided on basis of gold and all stone weight is deducted from the same.Beyond this basic identification papers and residential of borrower is verified. The maximum lendable limit of Loan to value of ornaments is 75% but the lending banks can themselves decide their individual limits for lending. This rule is only applicable for non agricultural end usage.

What is tenure of gold Loan?

The tenure for gold loan differs for different lending authorities. It varies from 12 months to 48 months.

What is the interest rate charged?
The average interest rates floats from 12% -13% depending upon the bank average floating rates. Also, special lending rates are made available for women lenders or for end use in agricultural sector.

How does the repayment of this loan happen?

Barring the interest repayment on monthly basis, the borrower can repay the entire loan at the end of tenure. The loan can be repaid at any of the branches or online as per the bank features but the pledged gold can be released only at the branch where is it physically stored.

Word of caution

For years gold has been used to be pawned with unorganised segment of lenders for very high interest rates but now when we have the opportunity to gain access to more lower rates of interest we should use it wisely. Please don't get attracted to extreme low rates offered by some novice lender since the security of your gold hedged could be compromised. Also, it is to be considered that the loan is taken to be repaid and not to be used as a never ending cycle for easy money.

In the coming week , we will discuss the recently launched schemes by government for monetization of gold.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Loan against Securities

Moving ahead with our series of assets utilization for short term goals, we now move across to discuss the next set of bigger chunk of our net worth. i.e. Our Investment Assets. 
What is loan against Securities?

Loan against securities is basically an overdraft facility made available against pledging of your securities with a financial institution for a certain amount against the market value of the security. The various instruments that are generally included under this are:
  • Demat shares
  • Mutual Fund units
  • Fixed Maturity plans (FMP)
  • Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)
  • Insurance Policies
  • Savings Bonds

Who is eligible for this loan?

As per the individual products, the eligibility is determined. Generally, an individual between the age of 21 to 70 is given this loan. It may differ as per different bank wise. Also, there are sub conditions for eligibility in the products discussed above. However, there is an approved list of securities published by every lender to determine to certify the loan. Also, in certain cases HUF, or companies, patnerships or sole proprietorship are not allowed to secure these loans.

How much can one borrow against securities?

Usually almost 50% of the total market value is made available as an overdraft against securities. This amount is also reviewed from time to time (sometimes as frequent as weekly) to match the fluctuating market value. The overdraft facility is an annual contract renewable every year in line with change in approved list of securities.

What are charges or how do I repay the loan?

Beyond the processing charges, the bank charges you interest on amount withdrawn by you and for the period for which it is utilized.It is usually charged on monthly basis in your account. This makes it flexible to ensure that you don't have a fixed cost attached every month and our paying only for your expenses.

So, Loan against security is helpful in case of some short term fund requirement although, it is not recommended to be utilized for some unrequired expenditure but used for asset building.